
Beginning Encaustic Workshop
Saturday, May 18 • 12 – 4 pm • $125
If you’re a beginner, need a refresher on basic techniques, or even want to take your encaustic art to the next level, this hands-on class is for you. Learn about safety issues, supports, grounds, fusing, and paint techniques. You will leave with a printout containing all the information you need, a list of suppliers, and encaustic paintings. All supplies provided.

Beginning Encaustic Workshop
Saturday, June 15 • 12 – 4 pm • $125
If you’re a beginner, need a refresher on basic techniques, or even want to take your encaustic art to the next level, this hands-on class is for you. Learn about safety issues, supports, grounds, fusing, and paint techniques. You will leave with a printout containing all the information you need, a list of suppliers, and encaustic paintings. All supplies provided.
Sign Up Today
Studio Six • 3021 Paseo • Oklahoma City, OK 73103